Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Weight Watchers and the Graveyard Shift

After reading a post by Jason, a terrific weight-loss/weight-management blogger, I thought I would talk about what makes Weight Watchers work for me. It's very simple, I plan ahead. I am usually successful when I make it a point to plan my meals and give myself lots of options. This means going to the grocery store with purpose and a list. I get lots of great ideas from the Weight Watchers message boards and from other weight loss bloggers. For me getting bored = falling off the program. I stared Weight Watchers in September of 07 after attending a dear friend's wedding at the Frio River, then seeing the pictures afterward. I was tired of missing out on fun, active things because of aches and pains and fear of failing. I did very well for about 6 months. Then I started a new wonderful job working the graveyard shift. I found that when things got a little slow in the lab at night, or when I got sleepy, grumpy, homesick for my husband, etc. etc. it made things easier to eat ALL NIGHT LONG. Bye bye Weight Watchers, hello cake balls (WARNING, if you have never had a cake ball please stay away from them). I gained back 15 of the 32 lbs. I had lost. I went nuts! It was crazy for my body to be awake at night, crazy to sleep during the day...but that's all over now. And to get back to where I started, I have found it immensely necessary to find and use quick, easy recipes to keep my food interesting. Oh, and to bring plenty of healthy snacks to work at night. Tonight I tried Sara's Crock Pot taco Chicken in a burrito with fat free re fried beans and cucumber with lots of hot salsa It was great! Well, I'm off to get ready for our morning run of specimens.

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