Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's the last night of my seven on. It's the most exhilarating feeling bordering on the butterflies you got as a child on the last day before Spring Break. I don't have to be back here for 7 whole days! Yippee! Uh, I usually don't have to be back here for 7 days but I did pick up a few extra hours next week. But they are teeny tiny hours compared to my normal 11 or 12 hour shift. I did well with my eating yesterday. Stayed within my daily points even with eating Taco Bell Fresca tacos. They were actually very good and only 3 pts. each. I haven't gone to the grocery store during my 7 on this time and my sweet hubby was tired of chicken which is all I had. We are both really looking forward to being off on Friday. We typically get one whole day each week where neither of us has to work. I asked him if we could do something active on our "date" since the weather is going to be nice and he has been hinting that he ha a very special day planned. He is the sweetest. He deserves a wife who can be active and healthy. And I deserve to be active and healthy! I have some big goals to reach this year so I really have to get dedicated to being active.


  1. Taco bell has some good choices. I too get the fresco tacos. Great job.
