Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Golf Tournament

Yesterday Stephen took me to the Shell Houston Open. Now, I am not really a Golf fan. But Stephen is and I am Stephen's biggest fan. I always enjoy going to a golf course because they are typically very pretty, very serene. This was at Redstone, and it was really beautiful. I can't remember the last time I saw grass sooooo very green! We saw a few popular guys: Ernie Els, Camillo Villegas and Anthony Kim. These guys are really good. They make the game look so effortless. And as predicted we walked alot. I have bone spurs on my heels and it was painful walking but I was glad for the exercise, glad for the fresh air and sunshine, and glad to be with my sweet husband. I got a funky little sunburn, and it even sort of feels good. Today I was terribly lazy and only accomplished a short trip to the grocery store. Made chicken and dumplings for Stephen and Fro for dinner. I ate it too of course which cost me more points than I wanted to eat but after yesterday I felt like I deserved it. That is pretty warped thinking isn't it? I really do have mental issues when it comes to food. Why can't I reward myself with a pedicure? Zero points and God knows I need one. Either way, I tracked my points and am starting over again tomorrow. One day of chicken and dumplings didn't make me fat....years of them did.

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