Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome back...

I guess I took a good long summer break from the ole' blog! I haven't been in the right frame of mind for many many many things, blogging included. But I am back! I am feeling responsible and accountable for the things I do for myself and for my health. I have switched gyms because I am going to start swimming. Even riding the bike began to make the pain in my feet unbearable. It is sort of ridiculous but I haven't exercised in a month and my feet haven't been killing me like they were. Does that mean the plantar faciitis is gone? Hardly. Does that mean the answer is not exercising? Absolutely not. I am more determined than ever. But the doctor told me it may take getting into a swimming routine as a LAST RESORT to get in good cardio weight loss before having to have surgery. I have been slowly easing back into my weight watchers program as well. There is no excuse for failure because it isn't a hard program to follow. And it works. However I just got back from an awesome retreat to Hi Vali and we do not count points on vacation...period!! Too much fun had with cooking out and celebrating with friends and family. But back to the real world and my quest for a healthy, well balanced life.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!!! Your back!!!! I was so worried you had gotten discouraged and decided not to blog anymore :( I love your writings and I'm so happy your back!!
    Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!! Here's to new beginnings!
    Love you girl!!!
