Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Feeling BLAH...

...comes from missing Stephen. I love my job, and I hate to complain. But it is hard that for 7 nights straight he is sitting at home bored without me and I am up here thinking about how BADLY I want to be home with him. Just 1 more night after tonight. I am really looking forward to the end of June because I am taking 14 days off in a row!! 7 of those days will be spent having fun with the Hardwick clan at Hi Vali. Now, I must admit that I am a little disappointed in myself as far as my goals go. I am definatly not in swimsuit shape yet, and it will be a challenge for me to find some cute summer clothes that I feel confident in. I think I was just trying to rush myself down 50 lbs. I should know that fast won't cut it. But I am still very proud to be getting exercise. I have lost 6 more lbs in the last 4 weeks, which is still very good. Healthy, steady weight loss is the key to long-term success in Weight Watchers. I have had to curb my jogging enthusiasm though. My heel spurs were just too painful. Going to keep trying different things though. Never give up.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Queen Slacker

I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks now. Things have been a little nutso lately. So to make it short and sweet: I have done very well making it a point to go to the gym and stay there for an hour sweating my butt off. I am jogging about 6 minutes during my 30 minutes on the treadmill. I just had my last session with Karen, my trainer. She kicked my butt in order to leave a lasting impression! I am feeling very positive about things. I have been doing a good job of tracking my points and finding new foods to keep things interesting. My sweet husband has gone 36 days without smoking and I am loving him so very much for it. I am praising God for it. I want to spend as many years as I can loving Stephen and him not smoking tells me that he wants to stick around too. I can't believe that after 3 yrs. of sweet blissful marriage I can still say that I am continually falling in love with him. I am overcome with him, it's a fact. I never imagined that such a wonderful human being could ever love me the way he does...sigh, I miss him when I am working. Can't wait to get done at the gym this morning so I can go crawl in bed beside him and cuddle. After a good hot shower of course!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Back to work

Well, it was a short 6 days off. Stephen and I were able to spend 2 whole days was awesome. I stuck to my gym routine and I am so glad to be in a more positive mind-set. I still don't love to work out, but I am really relishing the feeling I get when I jog. I am only able to do it for a minute, then I walk to recover. But in a 35 minute treadmill session I jog 5 minutes, just not all at once. Either way, I am proud of myself and I know that I can do this. I was able to log a 2lb. loss last week and am looking forward to another one when I get home this morning. My little goals are starting to look very attainable. I have found that browsing the internet for clothes I would like to buy in a few months is another source of motivation!